A new report released by campaign partner the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) illustrates how stronger laws to regulate hazardous chemicals spur innovation, with potential benefits for national economies, as well as human health and the environment.

Driving Innovation: How stronger laws help bring safer chemicals to market finds that tougher rules to manage chemicals at the global, regional and national levels have sparked the continuous invention of safer chemicals, accelerating the pace at which safer alternatives are developed, and pulled them into the market.

"Our study finds that stronger laws governing hazardous chemicals can not only drive innovation, but also create a safer marketplace," said Baskut Tuncak, staff attorney at CIEL and author of the report. "Well-designed laws spark the invention of alternatives and further help level the playing field to enable safer chemicals to overcome barriers to entry, such as economies of scale enjoyed by chemicals already on the market and the externalized costs of hazardous chemicals on human health."

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