A group of the world’s leading scientific experts on endocrine disrupting chemicals made the strongest ever call for regulatory action on endocrine disrupting chemicals with the launch of “The 2013 Berlaymont Declaration on Endocrine Disrupters”.
The Declaration makes an urgent plea to the EU Commission “to implement regulatory measures that are in line with the best available science”. It says that “scientific uncertainty should not delay regulatory action and commercial interests must not take precedent over concerns about risks associated with endocrine disruptors”.
The 89 signatories to the Declaration point to alarming signs of a growing public health burden in Europe. The prevalence of endocrine-related diseases is higher than it has ever been and that this disease burden continues to increase in the EU and globally.
Download the 2013 Berlaymont Declaration on Endocrine Disrupters signatories here
Read HEAL's response to the Berlaymont Declaration here
Post provided by campaign secretariat HEAL